Military Spouse Hall of Dreams Campaign is Inspiring!
Posted by Kaye Putnam on Thu, Sep 26, 2013 @ 07:47 PM
Tags: military spouse, military, Military Spouse Foundation, Dream Card
We're Inspiring 10,000 Military Spouse Career Dreams!
Posted by Kaye Putnam on Mon, Sep 16, 2013 @ 01:57 PM
Press Release: for immediate release
Washington, D.C. - The Military Spouse Foundation announced today its global campaign to inspire 10,000 military spouse career dreams. The Military Spouse Foundation (MSF) launched the initiative to bring awareness to its online career and business training and mentoring program for military spouses.
Military spouses often face challenges to maintaining a rewarding career such as frequent relocations and spouse deployments. The MSF wants to inspire spouses to dream about, prepare for, and find a career or entrepreneurial opportunity that fits their unique lifestyle. Spouses can share their dream by writing it on a Dream Card or submitting it digitally on the MSF website.
The Military Spouse Foundation team is also reaching out to celebrities, executives and successful entrepreneurs around the country to place a personalized “well wish” or “statement of support” onto 10,000+ MSF Dream cards that will be given to spouses for inspirational support throughout the campaign. The executive director of the organization, Roxanne Reed explains, “We are truly honored to have our community and business leaders share their words of inspiration, support and wisdom with military spouses.”
The 10,000 Dream Cards, once completed, will be showcased in the MSF Hall of Dreams mobile display that will travel to events on military bases around the country.
The Military Spouse Foundation (MSF) is a technology driven online training and mentoring program that specializes in career and business preparedness for military spouses. The MSF program is comprehensive in its entirety ‐ helping spouses to prepare for all of the unique challenges of career and business building.
Kaye Putnam
Director of Marketing, Hall of Dreams Campaign
Tags: military spouse, military, courses, start-up, press release, Military Spouse Foundation
Operation: Create Your Own Path Interview with Sandra Sawyer
Posted by Kaye Putnam on Tue, Jul 30, 2013 @ 08:00 AM
This interview is part of a 30 day blog hop hosted by the Military Spouse Business Association and their Red, White & Blue pages. Each day, a new military spouse entrepreneur is interviewed by a military spouse blog. We're thrilled to be a part!
Tags: military spouse, career, military, leadership, entrepreneur, Business 101
What I Wish I Knew From Military Spouse Entrepreneurs
Posted by Kaye Putnam on Thu, Jul 11, 2013 @ 03:39 PM
Starting a business is a lot like jumping off a cliff with your eyes closed. You're in for a wild ride, but until you DO it, it's hard to imagine what it will be like.
Tags: military spouse, start-up, entrepreneur, Business 101
Tags: military spouse, Business 101, goals, productivity